“Now, every time...”

“Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: What dark did you conquer in your story? 

Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.”
- Katherine MacKenett

“We are cleaved together...”

“We are cleaved together - we are cleaved apart - everything that draws me to you is everything that drives me away.”- The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry

“Sometimes you’ve resigned yourself..”

“Sometimes you’ve resigned yourself to living your life in the shadow of what might have been.  Looking up at happiness from some low place.  You’ve finally accepted that your life isn’t on the unbroken upward trajectory it feels like it’ll be when you’re a kid, when you assume every year willbe better than the one before.  You’ve said to yourself, This is all there is for me, and then something, someone, comes along and says, Hold on,there’s more.  

Maybe life isn’t about avoiding pain at all costs.  Maybe it’s about having one or two people who have signed up for the messy job of being your salvation, who make your life bigger.”
- Rayne and Delilah’s Midnite Matinee by Jeff Zentner